The story of Dalwrith is the first installment in the Dalwrith Saga. At the heart of the story is a young teenager named William Ashthorn who comes from a family with more bigger secrets he could ever realize. By accident he finds himself in the world of Dalwrith and only with the help of a mysterious direwolf that he names Shadow.
In Dalwrith he’ll meet friends and even more enemies. Will becomes the center notion of powerful figures as well as other more sinister ones. On his journey to find his way back home from this magical world he’ll have to learn to live as one of them including learning swordplay as well as powerful magic devices. It is in Dalwrith he will learn his family’s past and his own destiny
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Dalwrith is available in Paperback and Kindle versions
About the author
Ryan McCabe has been writing stories since he was a kid. He liked to play sports and had a deep craving for chocolate milk. He moved to North Carolina at eight years old. Ryan has also spent his time in sports such as swimming and even achieving a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
It wasn’t until high school that he would start writing the first installment of the Ashthorn series Dalwrith. Ryan would let his passion for video games and reading influence his ideas. At the age of eighteen he would finish his first draft. Ryan aspires to continue writing and continue William Ashthorn’s journey as much as many other characters from Earth to Dalwrith.
Victor Hanse comes with his most deeply personal ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Mauris in erat justo.
Kristine Cox @ Premium e-Books
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